Joe Horneck - Campaign Canvassers

Meet Joe

Introduce Him to Your Neighbours

Host a ‘Street Meet’ on Your Street

Would you like to meet Joe? Here’s a super simple way to make it happen. Let us know you would like to host a ‘Street Meet’ and we will set everything up. A ‘Street Meet’ is just us coming to your neighbourhood and going door-to-door to meet your neighbours with you introducing Joe.

There’s no sales pitch or endorsement required on your part — you are just introducing Joe. That way, you are helping your fellow residents of Ward 6 to make an informed decision regarding who they want to represent them on City Council. Even Joe doesn’t use a hard sell. He’s just out to meet people and learn about their concerns. The only thing you might want to organize ahead of time is letting your neighbours know when we will be coming, but even that is not a requirement.

To arrange a Street Meet, just click the button and let us know how to get in touch with you and which street you would like to host.

I Would Like to Host a Street Meet
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